Sogzy d_Optimist Hello Bosses It's nice being among great minds here😊 and I hope to connect with you all. I'm Oluwasogo Familusi, a Pharmacy Student from Nigeria.
Alice Bonjour tout le monde, ravie de me retrouver parmi vous, c'est Bibuya Alice depuis l'ANEP RDC...
Waleed Hi everyone, I'm Shu'aibu Muhd Suraj, a 400level undergraduate pharmacy student at Bayero University Kano. It's really nice to meet you again for the second phase of this program.
Flowers_ Hello, everyone. I have just signed up. My name is Ivy from Kenya 🇰🇪 . I will be starting my 5th year in May. It is nice to meet you all. Happy to have made it to this phase of the program
AMADOU HASSANE Nadira Salut salut vous allez bien j'espère ☺️ Je m'appelle Nadira je suis du Niger, je suis en troisième année.C'est un plaisir d'être parmi vous et j'ai très hâte qu'on travaille ensemble . Prenez soin de vous .
Nadira Salut à tous Je m’appelle Abdoulkarimou Nadira ,je suis Nigérienne 🇳🇪 et étudiante en quatrième année à l’université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey ( Niger) Ravi d’être parmi vous
Vee Hi! It's beautiful to be here. I am Victoria, a 200 level Pharm D student of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Congratulations to everyone who made it to this stage. 👏
Emmanuel Salut, chers collègues,aînés et Docteurs. Je suis Emmanuel Téte SOGAN, étudiant en Licence pharmacie à la Faculté des Sciences de la Santé de l'université de Lomé. Très ravi de me joindre à vous sur ce forum,merci de m'accueillir parmi vous !
DrGraine Hi!!!! I'm Beatrice, a Level 400 pharmacy student from Ghana. Very pleased to meet you'all. 😊
anna Hello great Leaders 🙌🏾 😊 I'm called MOUNAGUI Anne, a Level 5 pharmacy student from Cameroon. Happy to meet you all.
Isaac Good day every one. I'm Isaac Olaoye from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. I'm looking forward to learning and collaborating, and I'm excited to be part of this project.
Accelerator Hi everyone 👋 I am LADEKPO OSSE Sylvio, Level 4 pharmacy student at the FSS of Benin. Looking forward to knowing you and working with you👋👋
Glo Hello everyone 🤠 I'm Gloria Okeyo, from Kenya. Currently in my 3rd year of BPharm at Maseno University. Looking forward to interacting with you guys!